Spring break is just about over and I have spent a lot of time reading other people's blogs over the last week and found a wealth of information. Thank you to all of my fellow middle school math teachers out there who have shared your ideas!
I am not sure yet what I want this blog to become, but sometimes the best things are those that you do not plan. Crazy talk for a teacher, I know!
I teach middle school math and have struggled to adjust to the Saxon methodology of teaching math. I've learned that I am a linear learner and like to see the progression of an idea from the beginning to the end. I also like to see the whole picture. Having the ideas chopped into small fragments has sent my brain into a tailspin. The year has been a learning year of "what not to do", so my classroom will be going through changes for next year and whatever I can do for the rest of the year.
I was hoping that blogging about my experiences trying to learn a few new tricks, might help other teachers. So, my journey will begin. Stay tuned...