Homework Question Board |
Last year, I didn't like how I handled homework questions. So, after thinking about what I have done in the past and how I could make it work with the Saxon program, I came up with this homework question board.
One of the nice things about Saxon is that they always have 30 questions of homework. I found calendar numbers cheap at my local teacher store and laminated them. I made a header that says simply "How do you solve number..." and then I found these cute mini clothespins at Michaels that had chalkboard fronts (in the $1.50 bins at the front of the store). I used my white gel pen to write "Us Too!" on the chalkboard part. There is an up close picture below.
"Us Too!" Clothespins up close. |
Next year, I plan to have the students sit in groups. After we correct the homework, I want them to work together to answer each others' homework questions. If the entire group can't answer the question, then the group can come and flip the number over to the backside. If another group has the same question they can add an "Us Too!" clothespin to the front of the number. That will tell me that at least 8 people in the room needed help. That is a question to make a note of and spend some time over the next few days or weeks. Below is an example of what I think the board will look like in use.
Example of how it might look in action. |
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