
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Word Wall

My word wall started with this picture posted on Pinterest ( and in the description another pinner had written "units instead of letters".  Well, that got me thinking.  I teach two subjects with two different sections of each.  I started to think, what about classes instead of units?  From there, my word wall was born for this year. 

So here it is!  My word wall stated by putting the names of the classes I have in circle frames that I figured out how to make myself on my computer.  I made two circles for each of the classes that I teach just to give more room for more vocabulary words.  I glued the subjects onto coordinating card stock, cut them out and laminated them.  I them bought coordinating ribbon and attached Velcro down the center (or as close as I could get).

The next thing I did was went through all of the free clip art that I had downloaded and found these cut frames from Debbie Burton @ K is for Kinderrific ( in the colors that I had made my circles.  I printed them in the size that I wanted, glued them to card stock, and laminated.  The final step was to put Velcro down the middle of the cards, so I can stick them onto the ribbons.  I need to make a few more though! :)

The last thing that I did was took a dry erase marker and wrote the vocabulary word on the frame.

I know that traditionally, a word wall grows as more and more vocabulary is added to it.  Due to space issues, I can't do that.  I wanted to be able to put up key vocabulary words for the unit and then erase the words and put up the next units words.  This feels like it will be fast and easy for me.  So, I think that I will be able to manage it.

This is just a close up of the cards with the vocabulary words on them.

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